1. "do you care about me?" "i've given you my heart, whether to care for it is up to you."
2. "has anyone ever confessed to you?" "i had one before." "then i'm the second."
3. "you're so homebound." "no, i'm not." "but you've never left my heart."
4. "i used to have a lot of hobbies." "and then?" "now there's only one left, loving you."
5. "i can't take it, i was just shot by an arrow." "don't talk nonsense, where's the arrow?" "yes, you shot me with cupid's arrow of love."
6. "remember who you are." "what am i?" "you are mine."
7. "can i kiss you?" "no." "wait, what did i just say?" "can i kiss you?" "yes."
八、“你知道被你点赞的朋友圈是什么嘛” “什么?” “甜甜圈”九、“甜有100种方式” “有哪些呢” “吃糖,蛋糕,还有每天次的想你”十、“人的声音分低音、高音、中音,你知道你适合唱什么音吗?” “中音?” “错,我们的婚姻”
十三、“请你注意一下我的双手,有什么不同之处吗?” “没有不同之处。” “对啊,因为你还没有牵过,所以才没有不同之处。”
十四、“小时候理想是成为科学家,但现在已经变了” “那你现在的理想是什么?” “现在的理想是和你建立家庭。”
十五、 “我现在越来越觉得自己变了。” “变成了什么样子?” “变成了你老公”
十六、“在我一生中,有两段学习走路的经历” “哪两段?” “一段是童年时期,一段是走向你的那一刻”