touchtheground怎么读 | 28百科知识网-pg麻将胡了模拟器


let's learn english with taotao!

hi everyone! 我是刘涛,you can call me taotao.

fun time with english!

it's /fʌn/ to learn english! let's have some fun time! we can play a game!

greetings for different times of day

/ˈmɔːnɪŋ/ good morning!

/ɑːftəˈnuːn/ good afternoon!

/ˈiːvnɪŋ/ good evening!

/naɪt/ good night!

rhyme time!

it's /raɪm/ time! let's sing a song with miss li.

this is miss li, our teacher.

goodbye, taotao! see you next time!

what's in the mystery box?

is this ...?

/ˈtedi/ a teddy bear?

/bɒks/ a box?

/bæɡ/ a bag?

/ˈpʌpi/ a puppy?

is this a box? yes!

is this a bag? no. this is a puppy.

let's move!

now, let's /tɜːn/ /əˈraʊnd/! turn around and touch the /ɡraʊnd/!

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